About the Alan Oldfield's Painting

Moved by reading Julian of Norwich's classic text, Revelations of Divine Love, or Showing of Love, Alan Oldfield painted this wonderful work, richly textured in symbolism. At the right is Julian herself. She looks to the left where we see Christ and the crown of thorns, Calvary, and to the "little thing, the size of a hazelnut, all that is made." For Oldfield the entire painting is filled with the presence of God.

Monday, February 20, 2017

I thought I'd give you a bit more information about my co-author, Julia Bolton Holloway.  Here she is with a few of her books and other research projects.  She lives in Florence, Italy, is a Catholic nun, a hermit who manages the famed English cemetery where Elizabeth Barrett Browning  and Robert Browning are buried along with other notables, Quakers, and abolitionists.

To read more about Julia, follow this link to her CV:



1 comment:

  1. You are in good company. I am very impressed with her cv! I would love to meet her and know this is a special project!
